JCK Show
June 6 - 9, 2025
The Venetian Expo | Las Vegas, NV

4 Veteran Retailers On The 2024 JCK Show

Just as exhibitors are busily preparing to showcase their offerings at the JCK Show in Las Vegas, so, too, are retailers: finalizing appointments, stocking lists, and on (and off!) the show floor plans.

We caught up with four retailers from across the continent to ask some quick questions about their history with the big show, their plans for this year, and how they prefer to shop at JCK.

Maria Aguirre, owner, Benold's Jewelers

Store Location: Austin, TX

Years in business: 95

Years attending JCK: 20 years for me, but the owners before me attended as well.

Top item(s) on product wishlist: Top secret information!

Most memorable moment or jewel from previous years: There are so many memorable moments over the years. One of my favorites is when Sissy (of Sissy’s Log Cabin) gave me a hot tip on a vendor. I felt as if I had just met a celebrity and the fact that she shared a tip with me sent me over the top!

Do you prefer to schedule appointments for the show, walk the aisles, or a bit of both? A bit of both for sure.

One thing off the show floor you’re looking forward to doing in Vegas: Dinners and delicious food with industry friends. My birthday usually falls during the show, and I look forward to all of the extra desserts. I spent my 30th and 40th with the wonderful Vahan group.

Chau Lui, co-owner, Paris Jewellers

Store location:  22 locations across Canada

Years in business: 30

Years attending JCK: 17

Top item(s) on product wishlist: We are always passionate about finding new trends for the upcoming years that our customers will resonate with.

Most memorable moment or jewel from previous years: As a growing company, we always appreciate the education that JCK provides to attendees. There is always something to learn and take away to our business!

Do you prefer to schedule appointments for the show, walk the aisles, or a bit of both? We always schedule appointments to meet with our key vendors and allow for two full days to walk the show.

One thing off the show floor you’re looking forward to doing in Vegas: We always look forward to spending time with our team outside of the show—we share ideas, wins, learnings, and align on our plan for the upcoming fourth quarter.

Barbara Kaylor, owner, R. Grey Jewelry Gallery

Store location: Historic District of Downtown Boise, Idaho

Years in business: 38 great years

Years attending JCK: We have been going to the JCK shows since the beginning.

Top item(s) on product wishlist: I am always looking for new lines that are different from our current collections. Well-made and interesting pieces, and designs that are unique from everyone else and have a fair pricing structure.

Most memorable moment or jewel from previous years: Many years ago we exhibited at JCK with my husband’s line of REALSTEEL. It was a new experience on the other side of the aisle—I prefer the buying side! We also were awarded the Jewelry Retailer of the Year for a couple years, which was really exciting.

Do you prefer to schedule appointments for the show, walk the aisles, or a bit of both? I prefer to have some scheduled appointments with our vendors who are really busy and may have more one-of-a-kind pieces to choose from, and also walk all of the aisles to see what hidden treasures we may find! With limited time to see it all, you have to be pretty focused and stay on track.

One thing off the show floor you’re looking forward to doing in Vegas: I always look forward to reconnecting with our vendors/artists and enjoying some great meals together. If time allows, it is fun to see a show as well.

Melanie Fitzpatrick, co-owner, LeMel Jewelry

Store location: Houston, TX

Years in business: We started LeMel in 2015 as online only, and in October of 2021 we opened our storefront in Houston. 

Years attending JCK: Our first time to JCK was in 2015.

Top item(s) on product wishlist: We are always looking for a little bit of everything. We like to find unique products in that giftable fine jewelry price point, as well as unique colored stone jewelry, fun fashion jewelry, kid’s jewelry, and more! 

Most memorable moment or jewel from previous years: Last year we went to the Plumb Club party with The Kingswood Company. It was such a fun event, and we loved meeting so many different people in the jewelry industry, including people we have looked up to since we were kids. 

Do you prefer to schedule appointments for the show, walk the aisles, or a bit of both? We schedule appointments with all our regular vendors and then leave time to walk the floor as well. Walking the floor helps us find new vendors, spot trends, and see what else is available that we may not carry. We are trying to dedicate day one to just walking the floor, but usually we get tempted and start buying! This year we are looking forward to attending some of the seminars as well. In the past we have not had time for that, so this year we added a day to our trip to be able to do it all. 

One thing off the show floor you’re looking forward to doing in Vegas: We always find something fun to do outside of the show. Usually, we like to get last minute concert tickets—so we’ll see where we end up this year!