JCK Show
June 6 - 9, 2025
The Venetian Expo | Las Vegas, NV

Design of the Times: Just Jules

Jewelry designer and owner of Just Jules, Julie Romanenko, grew up inspired by her family, who cultivated her passion for art and her love for fine trinkets. To Romanenko, jewelry has always meant family, a celebration, a special occasion and a moment in history.

We caught up with Romanenko to learn more about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected her business and how she’s pivoted to adjust to the “new normal,” how she uses social media to stay connected with her customers, what she’s most looking forward to at JCK 2021 and more.

How did your journey in the jewelry industry begin? 

I was working in a job I hated and was going to go work for my dad’s insurance company. The sales manager sat me down to interview me and asked me if this was what I really wanted to do or was I taking the easy way out. He then asked if there was anything I was passionate about… and I said jewelry! There is where this fabulous journey began and I have thanked him many times over!

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your business and, from your perspective, the jewelry industry?

COVID-19 has affected my business in so many ways, but there are definitely a few silver linings. Having all of my trade shows cancelled, it directly affected my relationships with my retailers and also crushed my income. Being stuck at home, I became very involved on social media, posting pictures of new work daily, if not a few times a day. I was fortunate to “meet” quite a few people via social media who purchased online and this was an unexpected blessing.

How have you been continuing to connect with your customers during times of social distancing, and how has the reopening of the economy and stores gone for you so far?

I have reached out to almost all of my retailers. A few of them have been doing very well, and I am so happy for them and hope this trickles down to their vendors.

How much do you rely on social media and other digital platforms to connect to your customers, and how do you do so?

I post daily and, right now, rely on it heavily. It reaches a much larger audience than just my retailers. I have retailers now contacting me because their customers found me and are interested in Just Jules.

What was the initial inspiration for your brand?

It was quite cliché! To create beautiful pieces that women would want to wear!

What else inspires you when designing?

I am mostly inspired by the gemstones I am working with. They are almost always in the drivers seat!

Can you give us an idea of your design process?

I sit with my gems and let my imagination wander. Oftentimes, a piece will be an extension or a reinterpretation of a piece I have already created.

How long does it typically take to create a piece of jewelry?

From start to finish, a week or so, I would say.

How do you personalize your jewelry and designs?  

I am not sure how to answer this. I love when I hear from a customer who tells me she knew it was my work before she even read the heading when seeing a picture.

You have several different collections. Do you have a personal favorite?

I think my favorite would be the art deco diamond pin bracelets. I am obsessed with vintage fine jewelry and love to be able to give new life to some incredible pieces.

How about a favorite piece?

The very large platinum diamond pin that I made into a double wide 18Kt cuff.

Are you partial to any stones or hues?

Opals and bi-color tourmalines hands down! I should have been an October baby.

Can you tell us a bit about the collection or pieces you plan to exhibit at JCK 2021?  

It is a bit too early to say but I would say the Charming Collection of baled gemstones will continue to grow as will the “old meets new” conversion pieces.

What are you most looking forward to at JCK 2021?

Seeing my industry friends and being able to show my work to new and old retailers. It is a much larger audience that I am really missing right now.

Learn more about Just Jules.

Save the date! Pre-register today for the JCK 2021 Show, taking place June 4-7, 2021 at Sands Expo & The Venetian.