JCK Show
June 6 - 9, 2025
The Venetian Expo | Las Vegas, NV

The It List

5 essentials to pack for JCK Las Vegas

Change can be a very good thing, and we’re excited to showcase it this year with JCK Las Vegas’s new location as we return to the Sands Expo and the Venetian. Our location isn’t all that’s new for 2019: Lots of exciting discoveries await you. We’ve even fine-tuned the show based on your feedback to make it better than ever.

Of course, certain essentials don’t change from year to year—like this list of must-bring items. Keep it handy when you’re packing so you won’t overlook the basics. 

1. Comfortable shoes. Ah, the age-old foot comfort factor. 

Nothing makes you feel more exhausted than miserable feet! Even the best shoes can leave your dogs tired by the end of the day, but you’ll put your best foot forward by avoiding shoes that look good but pinch or rub. In fact, it’s a good idea to start wearing your shoes for long walks now, just to be sure they’re comfortable. Bonus tip: If you’re curious about how many steps you’re taking on the JCK show floor, pack your smart watch and keep count! 

2. Layers. Temperatures in Vegas can be unpredictable. It’s always hot during the day (temperatures in the three digits in early June are common), but it can get chilly at night. Pack a light jacket or a cardigan. You may find the extra layers useful on the show floor, too. 

3. Moisturizer. Hey, it’s the desert. Whether your moisturizing routine involves skin creams or simple lip balm, bring it with you to avoid dry skin and chapped lips. Speaking of staying hydrated, consider packing your own water bottle; you’ll keep single-use plastics to a minimum and you’ll never go thirsty. 

4. Cell phone charger. We recommend a portable charger if your device tends to lose battery power, but you’ll still need the all-important plug-in cord to keep your phone in working order. Even those who like to take notes with a notebook and pen find that a smart phone comes in handy during the show—and you’ll need one to take advantage of the JCK Mobile app! Hot tip: Minimize battery loss by connecting your phone to the event’s wi-fi. (Look for information onsite.)

5. Business cards. Sure, you can exchange contact information with the tap of a phone. But a business card is still the best, most efficient way to get your information into the hands of all audiences at the show, so bring lots of them. Don’t forget to bring a small case to store the business cards you collect from others on the show floor. Our favorite tip: Take photos of every card in case one gets lost!

Stay up-to-date on all the latest news and plan your show at jcklasvegas2019.com

Not registered for JCK Las Vegas 2019? Register today while there’s still time!