JCK Show
June 6 - 9, 2025
The Venetian Expo | Las Vegas, NV

An Award-Winning Show & Team

Part of the RXUS jewelry portfolio, JCK was honored for outstanding attendance, marketing, and sales. Led by Sarin Bachmann, GVP of the jewelry portfolio and event leader for JCK, the 2022 event edition was successful in not only exceeding budgets but also exceeding 2019 attendance and sales.

First, JCK was honored by TSNN Magazine in the Comeback Award category, honoring shows that returned to pre-pandemic attendance levels while demonstrating resiliency and business excellence. JCK 2022 won for Outstanding Attendance!

Second, from the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE), JCK 2022 won the Outstanding Marketing & Sales Award which recognizes IAEE members (team or individual) outstanding achievements in marketing and sales activities including outstanding performance in total event revenue/profit, advertising revenue, attendance, sponsorship revenue, exhibit space sales and customer service. The RX | JCK Sales & Marketing Team was one of two winners for this award.

Congratulations to the entire JCK team and RX US for all your efforts in 2022 and for achieving recognition across the entire trade show industry!